Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Vacation Time...

Do people in the U.S. get enough vacation time? No. Does my family? No....What? You want more? Fine then.

I shall review my family's vacation time, and give a step by step statistical analysis (based on career 'choice') of it. I shall then compare this to the rest of America, and the world at large. Mostly I shall complain for those unable to do so.

To begin with myself. I get just enough vacation time. The school system seems (to me) well formatted, if lacking in other areas. Surprised I'm not vehemently begging for more time out of school? Do not be. I have no life outside of school except for when I travel outside of my place of residence, which is frankly a reeking cesspool of unhappiness and broken lives. And dreams. We'll call it Seaside Heights. Also remember, I am disorganized, not inherently lazy. So for me? No, I don't need more vacation time (I frequently get more, but that is often against my will. I am sickly).

My mother. Her vacation time follows the same rules as mine (except that she is not sickly) she being a teacher. However, I don't think she gets very much vacation time at all. Between college, school, and tending to a houseful of the emotional equivalent of mewling infants (who can make quite a mess) she doesn't seem to have any downtime. Ces't la vie. At least she can say she has a vacation.

My father on the other hand, can not even pretend to take a vacation. He is a painter. when he stops, it's generally bad news. Still, being his own boss means he can take a few days off to get something done around the house if he needs to. Still, work comes first, last, and in between. Not a lot of leisure time left in there.

Would some time of make us more happy? Perhaps. Do I want to dwell on what might be/have been? Not a chance. I'll take or vacation deprived psyches over your happy ones any day.

And as for America. Lsten. Two out of fifty-two weeks is not enough. I'd try to share the message with my own family if I thought I could get through to them. Yell, lobby, do something to get more time for yourselves. And don't let people call you a layabout, or lazy scum, just because you value personal time and relaxation. They haven't gotten to me yet, after all. With luck, theywon't get you either.

Nolan out.

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