Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If someone gave me a plane ticket to anywhere in the world and unlimited monies, I would go to the British Isles. The UK. Our mother country. "Why would Sean Nolan want to go there of all places?" I hear you ask. Seems a bit boring for me doesn't it? Well, all I can say is I'm not finished yet, but hear me out about this one.

England, as it just so happens, is the Warhammer capital of the world. Sean Nolan's preferred vision of the afterlife that doesn't involve becoming an actual space marine, if you will. Games day, the Golden Demon painting competition, Forge world, Phil Kelly and dozens of events, locations, retailers, and august personages that I can only dream of ever seeing are housed within what, as far as I'm concerned, is just a corporation I like pretending to be a country.
Plus, they speak the same language (for the most part).

Don't get me wrong. This isn't my only reason for wanting to go to that particular region (though it is close to 99%). Right across a small stretch of sea is my dad's place of birth Wexford, Ireland. Between learning more about my family, picking up a damn cool accent, and enjoying the rolling green landscape, I figure there's something for me there to. I would, of course sample the cuisine, having a familiarity with some of it, and an open mind for all the rest.

Other than that, it's all about Warhammer, and I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to learn, play, and pick up a *cough* "few" souvenirs...The guy (or girl) paying for all this probably should have placed an upper limit on sovenirs purchases....unlimited funds...*begins salivating*

After this little excursion, I'd visit Brazil. Though I think the Amazon is cool and all, can't say I'd spend all, or even the majority of my time there. You see, I am not particularly stoic. And neither are you. We all say it would be cool to spend time out in that there forest, but after a bit of study (and previous experience) long stays there aren't for those of us who live a sheltered existance.

That isn't to say there aren't other reasons for going. I'd love to catch up with my family, am addicted to Brazilian food (coxinha...best...edible...ever...*drool*) and always wanted to visit the giant Jesus...

It goes without saying that I'd be looking for games of Warhammer in all of these countries the entire time. Even if I'm out of school, class is always in session...or something like that...

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