Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Too much homework...(one month later)

As our Ford once said, "excuses abut too much homework are bunk." Surprised? I've never made it a secret that I am an epitomization of the word procrastinator. Maybe that detatchment from hectic schedules and constant working makes me unfit to pass judgment on the topic, but I'll try to anyway.

You see, too much homework is the excuse students have been making since the time of the ancient greeks (Mannion). I, in the practice of moderately successful procrastinators everywhere, am good at measuring time. Also, it helps that I do the majority of my "homework" in school anyway. So do I have too much, homework? No I do not. Also, please note that when I sayI can measure time well, I am not saying I use it well. If you can, doing that helps in spades.

Do other students my age have too much homework? Maybe. But they're probably trying to do more than me in the first place. Never saw the point of taking Trigonometry if I was going for psychology all along anyway... Perhaps my procrastinative nature isn't a bad thing all the time after all. As for whether or not there has been an increase in the amount of homework given...not in any of my classes, anyway. At any rate, I must thank the people who complained enough to make ths question possible. After a bit of thought (and actually approaching this assignment) this blog was easy bait. Maybe it's just because I secretly enjoy striking out at other people's ways of life from a platform whence I cannot be harmed. That was a joke. I like striking out at other people's ways of life in publice as well. That wasn't a joke... Okay, yes it was.

Anyway, after thinking about this particular essay a bit futher funnily enough, I found that I do, on occasion learn something from homework. Like that a little procrastination is a good thing. Occasionally in math I'll learn a useful (or frankly just cool) equation. The subtle nuances of my second language would be lost to me if it were not for those english grammar lessons we had to take from first grade on up. And I'm too interested in the human mind not to take interest in psycology. So sometimes, in these and other subjects, I'll take a look at my homework (when I do it), and I'll learn something...

As a special aside for those of you not in the know, a note on the big stuff. Projects, reports, essays. Do not leave these till the last minute. You're surprised again aren't you? These things are by their nature, important. I've found that it's a bad idea to sit around doing nothing while something important is happening. Get started early, invest some effort, and for the love of all the higher powers in the universe, dazzle a bit, would you? These things are a chance to impress, and in lieu of all that homework you procrastinated away it helps to use those chances...

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