Monday, March 1, 2010

Distrbution of wealth (for real this time)

Some people have more money than others. Some people don't . Most people have more money than me. Do I think that this is fair? No I do not. If there is one thing that my life has taught me, it is that money is an absolute necessity, and while it may not bring happiness by itself, it certainly helps. Is actually fair that those aforementioned people have more money than me? Probably. So let's move on to class divisions.
"So I know what you're thinking. 'With all these poor people lazing about complaining, how can I count my money?' or 'With those rich people sending all their jobs overseas, how can I work to feed my family?' I know you ask yourselves these and other questions, but it can all be summed up in one sentence. Isn't a man entitled to the sweat of his brow?" Before I continue quoting Andrew Ryan (those of you who've played bioshock will know) I ask that you consider his well written fictitious words. What he asks forms the basis of my answer ( and the capitalist family of economic systems). If you work hard, you'll be working hard. But if you set your mind to taking every available scrap of currency you come across with both hands, well then you'll be making money. There are no jobs out there is a lame excuse. I should know, I've used it often enough. If you want to be one of the uncomplaining rich men who so kindly (slight allusion to bioshock again) put up with all of your peasantry and excuses, then take don't complain.
Now what I am describing sounds awfully similar to our current system of wealth distribution enacted in this country, doesn't it? By and large, I agree with the us on this particular topic. "But what about the different socialist programs in place to help the common man? What about those of us who fall on actual hard times?" Well, I support those programs too, insomuch as they help people who aren't trying to abuse them. To those people who actually succeed in abusing a system such as welfare, I must publicly show a mild disdain, but I can't hate them because they embody a basic tenet of capitalist money making. Get as much as you can, as fast as you can. Take with both hands.
One might say that such a system as capitalism might then encourage certain comrades to take part in crimes geared towards securing as many funds as possible. This may be true. One could then make a case that certain other economic-political systems might encourage genocide. This could also be true. What I am trying to say at this point in this particular mindless rambling is that I am not qualified to say whether this entire system (or any other for that matter) is fair, or right, but that I agree with it. I was raised under it, and having experienced no other system of wealth distribution with which to compare it, I agree with it. Now, I am off to take with both hands. From poor orphans. Good day.

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