Sunday, November 15, 2009

Litany of deep questions....

One huge paragraph filled with questions...prepare yourself...

Why did Hitler? Who is Spain? When is right? Who? What? Where? When? Why? How does the mind work? How many numbers are there? Why do people do what they do? Why are some people motivated? Why aren't others? What can go wrong in a life? Where is space coldest? Warmest? How large is it? What is it? Why? Why does nature work they way it does? How does nature work? What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? Why didn't I do the other entry before this? When am I going to do it? Did I forget about it? Who would I elect to office? How would I run an organization? A Government? Why do wars start? How is life formed? Why? Do ghosts exist? Demons? Is there extraterrestrial life? What would it be like? Why? Will I get into college? If I do, Can I afford it? What will I do there? What will I do after? Will I do well? Why do economies exist? Who decided how they should work? Why is money valuable? What inherent worth does it have? Why not trade? When did monarchy develop for the first time? Where? Why? Will people go see the play I am in? Will I remember my lines? Will the other actors remember theirs? Will it be a hit? How did language develop? How do these words form in my mind? Why? If it is utterly impossible to communicate with any kind of accuracy to the true emotion being communicated, why do people try? How did modesty form? Why are some people that eat more than me and exercise much less than me, skinnier than me? Why does the human form work the way it does? How is it formed? What is music? What makes it good, or bad? What constitutes art? Why do people have specific talents? What determines good or evil in a person? What are good and evil? When was religion born? Who writes all those religious texts? Is there a god? Gods? Why? How did he/she/they/it come into being? Did they create life? Did life just happen? Why does life exist? What is the meaning of life ? Why? Why do living things need food? What is food? Do plants and animals think? What do they think about? What do I think about when I am asleep? Why? Why do I need sleep? When is "sleepytime"? What time is it now? Why should I go buy a watch? How does the universe determine time/What time is it by non-human measure? Why do we measure time? Do time and space intertwine? Do they run parallel? Why? What is string theory? If atoms are made of subatomic particles, and those are made of quarks, what are quarks made of? Why? Why? Why is that? Why?Wh-....

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