Thursday, October 8, 2009

Relationship with the phone
My phone was once not a very big part of my life. I didn't have one for a very long time, and the first one I finally did have was simple, but useful. My current phone is an essential tool in my day to day survival, and this isn't even as much of an exaggeration as it used to be. My parents wouldn't dream of taking my phone from me (this may be because I'm not a reliant on it as my sisters are theirs...) and indeed, become angry when I don't have it with me. It's my only reliable way to contact my friends (I'm not much of a hometown boy), and it helps me with pretty much everything else I do (including remembering to do them).
However (despite my previous example of hyperbole) I would not actually die without it. I think that waiting as long as I did to get one (not until the summer before my sophomore year) has kept me from being a slave to the whims of that particular technology. That is to say, if I lost use of my phone, I wouldn't mind to the point of insanity. I'd still be rather unhappy with being unable to contact any of my friends, but I tend other to have ways of getting pertinent news and information from them (like talking)... So there you go. My two cents on my phone and our relationship.

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